RPi-based Observatory Controller

Raspberry-Pi-based Observatory Controller project.

View the Project on GitHub gszasz/rpi-observatory-controller

RTS2 Setup on Fedora

I found useful to test newest RTS2 sources using dummy devices on my laptop that is running Fedora. Since I did not found any documentation for compiling and installing RTS2 on Fedora, I have decided to add this section.

  1. Install dependencies available from Fedora repository.

     $ sudo dnf install -y postgresql postgresql-server postgresql-devel \
     automake libtool cfitsio-devel libnova-devel gcc gcc-c++ ncurses-devel \
     GraphicsMagick-c++-devel libX11-devel docbook-style-xsl libxslt \
     libxml2-devel libarchive-devel json-glib-devel libsoup-devel pkgconfig \
     wcstools-devel lmfit
  2. Clone Git repository.

     $ cd ~/src
     $ git clone https://github.com/RTS2/rts2.git
  3. Execute compilation.

     $ cd rts2
     $ ./autogen.sh
     $ ./configure
     $ make
  4. Run tests to verify that code was compiled properly.

     $ make check
  5. Install RTS2.

     $ sudo make install
  6. Create and populate /etc/rts2 directory.

     $ cd rts2
     $ sudo bash rts2-init
  7. Now we need to edit /etc/rts2/rts2.ini.

     $ sudo nano /etc/rts2/rts2.ini

    Replace all xxxx strings by actual values.

  8. Initialize and configure PostgreSQL database. First we have to populate the database and start postgresql server:

     $ sudo postgresql-setup --initdb
     $ sudo systemctl start postgresql
     $ sudo systemctl enable postgresql

    Then you can create a database user and initialize the stars database for the user. Note that you have to use the username identical with the one you normally use when login to the system. The following sequence of commands starts at /home/gszasz/src/rts2/ directory and gszasz is my username.

     [gszasz@iris rts2]$ sudo -i -u postgres
     -bash-4.3$ createuser --interactive gszasz
     Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
     -bash-4.3$ exit
     [gszasz@iris rts2]$ createdb stars
     [gszasz@iris rts2]$ cd src/sql
     [gszasz@iris sql]$ ./rts2-builddb stars
     Would you like to create Landolt calibration fields targets [Y|n]? y
     Would you like to create targets for planets [Y|n]? y
     [gszasz@iris sql]$ cd data
     [gszasz@iris sql]$ psql stars < dummy.sql

    The last two commands are necessary only if you are going to run RTS2 with dummy devices. Now you can try to run following command. 1 is dark-frame target.

     $ rts2-targetinfo 1
     1 d         nan         nan +00:00 nan          nan         nan transiting Dark frames
        C0:'D 0'
         |-- expected light time: 0 # images 1
         \-- expected duration: 0
      Expected maximal script duration: 0

    If it do not see this output, something is wrong.

    Add telescope Please configure database with rts2-configdb tool for camera, telescope and filters.


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